A delightful children’s story of baseball, friendship and a dream fulfilled.
— Stephen Devaney
BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, USA, February 7, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ — A newly constructed baseball arrives at the home field of the Saint Louis Cardinals baseball team for the start of a new season. He is placed in the Room of Honor where there are plaques on the wall of all the great players of the Cardinals MLB team. He has heard that Saint Louis had some great players. Now he gets to see their images and read about their accomplishments on the diamond. The ball is picked to be part of the Opening Day game. And so he needs a “mud rub” that is done to remove the slippery feel of a balls cover. He has high hopes that he will stay in the Opening Day game through to to its end. He can hear the roar of the fans in the stands. He is already starting to think of future games he will be a part of. BUT – his wish is very sadly interrupted. His travels through baseball are not completely ended – as he is taken on a whole different path than the one he had pictured for himself.
He travels go through College Baseball, Youth Baseball and then as a part of Challenger Little League. In Challenger he is very liked and appreciated by the players. He becomes attached to one particular player who he wishes very hard for that they have success and wellness on and off the field.
His journey takes him from Major League Baseball to College Baseball and finally to Youth Baseball. In the end – his travels prove to be wonderful. He is part of what makes the game of baseball very special.
Written by Stephen & Kevin Devaney
Illustrated by Penny Weber
Hard Cover, 56 pages, 11 x 8.5 inches
ISBN: 979-8-9897088-0-2, $24.99 USD
Soft Cover, 56 pages, 11 x 8.5 inches
ISBN: 979-8-9897088-1-9, $14.99 USD
Available now on AMAZON
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Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/685257018/new-children-s-book-released-just-in-time-for-the-upcoming-baseball-season