President Biden pick up the phone. Call the US Archivist and tell her to publish the (ERA). We all benefit when we put equality first. Let’s make the ERA a reality and no longer send it to voicemail.”

— City of West Hollywood Mayor John Erickson

LOS ANGELES, CA, UNITED STATES, April 8, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ — EQUAL MEANS EQUAL is a national non-profit organization focused on equal rights for all Americans, regardless of sex.

President Kamala Lopez, Vice President Natalie White and the EQUAL MEANS EQUAL (“EME”) team welcome the honorable Mayor of the City of West Hollywood (John Erikson) and their Women’s Advisory Board, new EME Executive Director Angela de Silva, new Lead Advisor Sonja Nuttall, new Treasurer Donald Williams, Actress Patricia Arquette, Reserved Magazine Editor-in-Chief Jules Wood, artist/activist JR and the Inside Out Project, FOCUS Founder Won Lee, Curator Gavin Bond, Photographer Katarina Benzova, artist Tasya van Ree, artist Roberto Dutesco, Shepard and Amanda Fairey, Producer Nicola Doring, Zoe Kalar & the WeAre8 Team, From Her to Eternity (Courtney Love), Sarah Kate Ellis & GLAAD, Jesse Dylan & the WONDROS Team, Publicist Ceiba Chavez and the PR & Arts Agency, Deborah Hughes of D.H. Inc., Digital Marketing Consultant Irving Muniz, Art Director Jeff Streeper, filmmaker Nicole Mackinlay Hahn, and Humanity Coalition co-founder Barbara Jones.

EQUAL MEANS EQUAL announces our launch of the new initiative “MAKE THE CALL, JOE!” the FINAL IMPACT for the ERA Campaign to ensure that the Equal Rights Amendment is published as the 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution before the November elections. The time is now.

“It’s long past the time for President Biden to pick up the phone, call the US Archivist and tell her to publish the Equal Rights Amendment. Everybody benefits when we put equality first. Let’s make the ERA a reality and no longer send it to voicemail,” said City of West Hollywood Mayor, John Erickson

Women are still unequal in the United States. Informing the public of this legal injustice is critical to ending the discrimination and post-Dobbs rollbacks of our rights, presently increasing every day. Although the thirty-eight states needed have ratified the ERA, it still has not been published as the 28th Amendment. This must happen in order for the courts and the country to be put on notice that ERA is part of the U.S. Constitution.

The ERA is a game-changer for American women, girls, and LGBTQ people. In fact, it makes any discrimination based on sex or gender illegal. This includes discrimination regarding pay, gender-based violence, pregnancy, reproductive rights, bodily autonomy, LGBTQ rights, and so much more.

96% of Americans believe that men and women are equal but over 85% believe this equality is already provided for in our Constitution. It is not. Launching and implementing this public awareness campaign prior to the November 2024 elections may well be the last opportunity we have to enshrine equality for all Americans, regardless of sex, in the United States Constitution.

Over the past century, women and our allies have spent many millions of hours and dollars to achieve full ratification of the ERA, and we must ensure that these efforts are not swept into the dustbin of history by powerful forces that want to maintain the status quo.

“We are demanding the country respect the will of the people, who overwhelmingly ratified the ERA on January 27th, 2020, support equality for all, regardless of sex, and publish the ERA immediately. EQUAL MEANS EQUAL calls the nation to action to urge President Biden to uphold the basic tenets of our democratic republic and direct the U.S. Archivist to enshrine the full equality of all its citizens under law as the 28th Amendment, providing them with the equal protection of our laws. Fulfilling the century-long journey of the Equal Rights Amendment, begun by Alice Paul in 1923, is a joyous and historic celebration that we invite all Americans to participate in.”– Kamala Lopez, Founder/President of EQUAL MEANS EQUAL

Stay tuned for our future press releases as we roll out our FINAL IMPACT for the ERA Campaign “MAKE THE CALL, JOE!” a civil and human rights initiative to press for equality for all.

Organization Website: www.equalmeansequal.org

Campaign Website www.finalimpact.org

For Press and Media Inquiries, please contact Ceiba Chavez (305)988-4345 or Email [email protected]

More Information or questions please email Angela de Silva:

[email protected]

Ceiba Chavez
PR And Arts Agency
+1 305-988-9308
email us here
Visit us on social media:

EQUAL MEANS EQUAL & National ERA Publication Task Force Video

Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/701759468/equal-means-equal-ignites-make-the-call-joe-the-final-impact-campaign-for-the-era

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